FAQ - Exams

General Queries: All WSG Exams

WSG policy states that no person with a passing score be allowed to re-sit an exam in order to achieve a higher score.  

This policy is in effect in order to not compromise the integrity of the exam. Please note, WSG offers prizes each year for our top scorers.  

Wine Scholar Exams

No. These are advanced exams conferring a professional post-nominal. It is helpful to have a solid, general wine background before embarking on these courses of study. 

If you are interested in a beginner-level course, please feel free to check out our Wine Essentials courses. 

Masters Exams

For Masters programmes' students, each candidate will receive a results letter by email, 3 weeks from their exam date. Successful candidates will be mailed a letter of congratulations and a certificate suitable for framing.

Have a different question? Feel free to contact us.