Bourgogne - Côte Chalonnaise Wine Map

Last updated: February 5, 2024

About this Map

This map presents the Côte Chalonnaise vineyards of the Bourgogne wine region, detailing village and Premier Cru sites. It provides a geographic reference for the area's winemaking areas, including the locations of main cities and appellations. The map is crafted to be used alongside the French Wine Scholar® program, the industry's respected authority on French wine.

Bourgogne Cote Chalonnaise Wine Map by Wine Scholar Guild

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This map is designed to be used for individual learning purposes and should not be reproduced or shared in online or print format without obtaining written permission from Wine Scholar Guild.

Want to learn more about French Wine Scholar?

The French Wine Scholar® program is the industry's most respected certification on the wines of France with thousands of global graduates.

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